Thursday, March 29, 2007

I set up my new Mini CC torch last week. Wow, the flame is much hotter than my old minor! I was pretty faithful to my minor for many years - it always performed well. I listened to a lot of my bead buddies say that they had made the switch to this new torch, how they just loved it, yada yada yada. And, I thought, no, I'm stayin old school, stickin with my minor. Well, I succumbed, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Bring on the heat!

This is a set I sent to Calgary last week, made with moretti black, silver plum, turquoise, purple and coral.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Fling!

Spring - it's finally here. Is it my imagination, or does it feel warmer today?? I saw two robins at the University this morning, so I think it's official. I can hardly wait to get out mucking in my yard, and when I say mucking, I mean mucking. We moved to a brand new house last spring, and I have no grass yet -- just a backyard of wet clay. But, before the snow arrived in October, my husband built me 4 raised garden beds, so even if I have poor soil elsewhere, I can plant a garden this year -- hurray.

For today's viewing pleasure, a lime green/blue bracelet. I haven't made this style for a while, and it was fun to do again.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Where is spring???

Spring is taking forever to get to Edmonton this year. Making florals puts me in a better mood though.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Coral Sunset

Some coral beads from a few days ago. "Old" coral with raku stringer, pressed. This makes for an interesting combination I think.

Monday, March 5, 2007

I spent a total of 3 hours on this bead this weekend - my Andrea Guarino Slemmons knock off. After all the filligrana and murrini making, and then melting the glass for this monster - my hands were getting sore. I use a Nortel minor with a concentrator. This torch just did not have the ooomph to melt the glass down fast enough. You can't tell from the picture, but it is quite thick - about 3/4". I was trying to use my large Jim Moore mashers to make it into an approximate 2" diameter x 1/2" disk. I love my minor for small beads, but I seem to want to make larger and larger creations. Might have to think about a torch upgrade.....

Friday, March 2, 2007

A recent picture of my husband with our two cats (orange - Bernie, long brown hair - Sophie). I thought it was a great picture of all three. Bernie is a lovable talker; Sophie is our monster around the house -- takes great delight in beating up on Bernie, taking over his food dish, and all-in-all total domination of our household. She loves her Daddy though, and loves to sit on his chest while he is on the computer.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


My friend Carrie gave me a rod of Kronos glass to try out. These were made with transparent pale blue moretti, a stripe of Kronos down the middle, and decorated with clear or pale blue stringers. It was interesting watching the silver develop while bathing these beads in a reduction flame (trying to tease the silver out). Some beads turned out well, others, I either over reduced or under reduced I think. Either way, they were fun to play around with. Thank you Carrie!